
Course Description

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with anxiety disorders is going to be felt for a long time to come. We are now living in the ‘ambient anxiety’ of 24/7 news about virus, natural disasters and racial/economic oppression. This toxic atmosphere fuels the vigilance and persistent worry that are hallmarks of anxiety disorders. It is harder and harder to curate information from news sources or social media and discern accurate information, creating more tough-to-shake off anxiety and making isolation feel like the only safety. As people emerge from restrictions, ‘cave syndrome,’ which affects all ages, is observed. But adolescents, in particular those with social anxiety, are struggling with that and the new challenge of re-entry anxiety. In this session, Dr. Wehrenberg will focus on practical strategies that will help any client with anxiety to suffer less panic, to increase stress resilience, and block worry (especially health anxiety).
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