
Course Description

Anxiety Disorders are the most common class of mental health concerns. Therefore, it is surprising that the most common class of mental health concerns is not also the leading user of evidence-based treatments. Unfortunately for those suffering from anxiety, there is a greater chance of finding someone who does not use evidence-based treatments than someone who does. This must change. If you have been treating people with anxiety and wondered why they have not seen the improvements that you hoped they would, this talk is for you. If you rely on teaching coping strategies to your patients to deal with their anxiety, then this talk is for you. If you prescribe safety seeking behaviors to your patients to feel good in the moment, then this talk is for you. We will focus on Exposure and Response Prevention based treatments to address the safety seeking behaviors your patients use to get through their day. Though these behaviors feel good in the moment, they actually make the anxiety worse over time. Ready to give up the breathing and muscle relaxation exercises and teach your patients how to successfully face their fears? Join this course.
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